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Who are we?

Kitchen Cabinets


TV Cabinet

Honfleur Cupboard

Venetian Palace

Country House Chest

Chrysler Building

Order Information


Patrick Owen
40 St David's Drive
Doncaster DN5 8NF

Tel 01302 564492


My name is Patrick Owen and I have been involved in woodworking for about 25 years. For a lot of that time my wife Judith and I were living in Normandy, France where we painstakingly re-built an abandoned timber-framed cider press and gradually transformed it into a very attractive family house for ourselves and son Robert, now 13.
That was a dream job for a lover of wood, but whereas now I am more often involved with small details and fine veneers, it was working at the other end of the scale, making huge roof trusses with massive oak beams!

At present we are back in England, allowing me to concentrate fully on developing Furniture Follies, and we are working to expand the range of designs that we can offer.

All our furniture is hand made and features traditional craftsmanship


All our furniture is hand crafted in wood.

Lots of different styles of architecture appeal to me and some are easier than others to use as a basis for a piece of

Until recently the modern sky-scraper has proved to be a difficult proposition, however I am now developing new techniques of working which will make it possible for us to produce some fabulous fairly large scale models of a few of these incredible icons of the modern age - watch this space!

I work with a number of specialist craftsmen both in this country and in
France and in Poland where there is a tradition of fine woodworking skills.
Judith is a teacher and Robert is a fine chef already and looks after us
both very well!